The Secret ‘Sauce’ of a Healthy Relationship with Food

The Secret ‘Sauce’ of a Healthy Relationship with Food

At a time where nutrition and diets dominate headlines and food choices are endlessly scrutinised, eating can start to feel rather complicated, and it can lose some of its real pleasure.

If you have forgotten what what it feels like to enjoy a meal without some level of guilt or fear of judgment, then what if I told you that ‘satisfaction’ is an underestimated but key ingredient when creating a peaceful relationship with food?

In this blog I explore the power of the ‘satisfaction factor’ when it comes to redefining our approach to eating.


Have you ever had the mid-afternoon munchies, say around 4pm? You really want a your favourite biscuit, but you’re telling yourself you should have a piece of fruit because it would be the ‘healthier’ option.

Even though an apple doesn’t sound particularly appealing right now, you decide to eat it because it’s what you ‘should do.’  But now you’re still feeling hungry and you’re unsatisfied... And the desire to eat that biscuit is even stronger! 

So, next you decide that you should have a yogurt as it will give you some protein. You like yogurt but, even so, it’s not calling you right now. You eat it anyway. 

You still don’t feel satisfied… and the itch for the biscuit hasn’t gone away so you decide to eat it anyway, but now you might as well make it two or three… Instead of enjoying that delicious biscuit and savouring your eating experience, feelings of guilt creep in because you were ‘weak’ and ‘succumbed’.

My question is, what if you had just eaten the biscuit in the first place? How might that have changed your experience?


As an isolated example, you might think the situation above is pretty insignificant. However, for those who face these types of food dilemmas every day and are constantly battling with their choices and feeling guilty, the personal struggle can seem all-consuming.

If this is you, it’s really not your fault that you’re in this situation. The diet industry (and also the wellness industry in its own way) has for many decades now perpetuated a cultural narrative that a slim body is synonymous with a healthy body, and has ingrained the belief that certain foods are ‘good’ for us, while others are ‘bad’.

This has had a huge bearing on our relationship with food as a society. The weight of the pressure to always pick the ‘good’ option to stay slim and healthy can, ironically, in some people, foster an unhealthy fear of food. For some this can be subtle but for others it can break their trust in themselves around food, and lead to cycling through periods of restrictive eating, followed by periods of out of control, ‘backlash’ eating. This can all strip the joy out of both food and daily life.


Intuitive Eating is an alternative approach to eating that I integrate into my own philosophy and approach at Gut Reaction.

Intuitive Eating is a personalised process to help you reclaim ownership of your eating habits and, ultimately helps yo make the experience of eating and being in your body a whole lot easier and more satisfying and more enjoyable. (Nutrition for health is a part of the approach, but it’s far more than nutrition - it’s about your overall relationship with food and your body.)


At the core of intuitive eating lies a principle called Discover the Satisfaction Factor.

Satisfaction is not only about eating to a comfortable level of fullness, although that is part of it. When we eat in ways that genuinely satisfy us, we allow ourselves to truly enjoy our meals without judgment or guilt.

However, this doesn't mean indulging in food for the sake of it. It's about finding that individual balance that leaves us feeling nourished and content.

Some of the ways we can do this include asking ourselves what we really enjoy eating and making peace with those foods that which we’ve created ‘rules’ or ‘restrictions’ around.

We can also cultivate more mindful, enjoyable eating experiences, which involves paying a little attention to our eating environment, and allowing more space and time around meals so they are less rushed experiences and can be better savoured.

Another is to make a conscious effort to expand our repertoire of foods and diversify our food choices. The experience of a variety of tastes and flavours through our daily diets can really help satisfy our taste buds.


  1. Improved wellbeing: When we prioritise pleasure as part of our eating experience, we are more likely to feel content and relaxed during meals. A more positive emotional state may help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, and contribute to overall feelings of wellbeing.

  2. Reduced cravings and emotional eating: When we deny ourselves the foods we truly desire, we create a sense of deprivation that often leads to intense foods cravings, followed by ‘binges’ that can feel emotionally charged. By allowing ourselves to enjoy satisfying meals that bring joy to our tastebuds, we can break the cycle of restriction and reduce the likelihood of mindlessly indulging cravings - and not actually getting any satisfaction in the process!

  3. Energy and physical wellbeing: Satisfaction from eating peaks when we’re including plenty of foods that help make our bodies feel energised and resilient. We can enjoy the less nutritious foods that we love, whilst simultaneously be nourishing our bodies with all the essential nutrients that make our bodies and minds perform well.


Satisfaction is a key piece of the puzzle when we are looking to cultivate a healthier, more intuitive relationship with food.

Embracing the concept can help us to break free from diet culture, rediscover the joy of eating, and develop a longer-term, more balanced approach to eating. When we gain pleasure from eating, that contentment can have a ripple effect on our overall wellbeing too.

So, follow your taste buds and savour each bite - satisfaction may be your secret ‘source’ to healthier living.

Next Steps

Are you feeling out of control around food? Do you have challenges with your energy, gut health or digestion? Are you looking for a fresh approach to nutrition that values your physical and emotional wellbeing?

My personalised support brings together Nutritional Therapy with Intuitive Eating, empowering you to live a healthier life in harmony with food and your body.

If you would you benefit from this type of support, then please check out my private programmes here, or contact me for an exploratory chat to find out more.

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