What's the TRUTH about your food choices?

What's the TRUTH about your food choices?

Last week’s Food & Spirit studies were a challenging exploration into the aquamarine system of TRUTH. 

This system relates health and wellbeing to choice, voice and healthy self-expression, the power of the spoken and written word, authenticity and ultimately being true to oneself.

Bringing it round to food and eating and the relationship with our bodies, the TRUTH links in with make high quality authentic food choices, eating mindfully and with awareness, the integration of the senses of hearing, talking, tasting, chewing, breathing, and swallowing, consuming liquid foods, herbal teas and fruits, sea plants, and nourishment of the thyroid gland and the metabolism. 

Interestingly this system can be challenging for many, and it tends to become excessive or deficient quite easily. 

My very favourite affirmations is “I always have a choice - and I choose my health and wellbeing". Is this something you can take heed of too when it comes to your food and lifestyle? 

To your TRUTH!

INSIGHT... are you listening to your intuition?

INSIGHT... are you listening to your intuition?

Do you serve meals with LOVE?

Do you serve meals with LOVE?